Free competition with no obligation to purchase

The Lacornador® brand is organizing a drawing competition for children: “ Draw me a bull ”.

The Competition will take place from 10/10/2020 to 08/11/2020 inclusive on the online sales site www.lacornador.com. The 2 most beautiful designs will be selected to be printed on textile items, clothing and accessories sold on the site www.lacornador.com from December 2020. The 2 winners of the competition will each win a t-shirt and a water bottle with their respective winning design printed visually.

The “Draw me a bull” competition is open to all children aged 4 to 12 years inclusive, residing in mainland France and Corsica . By participating in the “Draw me a bull” drawing competition, the legal representatives of the candidates expressly acknowledge accepting these rules.
Competition procedure: Candidates have until midnight on Sunday, November 8, 2020 to submit their drawing. Any entries sent after this date will not be considered.
Condition of selection of drawings
The 2 winners will be chosen on Saturday, November 14, 2020 .
The selection of designs is carried out by the legal representative of the Lacornador® company.
To be valid and taken into account in this Competition, the Drawing must respect the following rules:
♦ The drawing must be done on a blank, white A4 sheet
♦ The material used to create the Drawing must be from the following list: felt-tip pens, colored pencils, no collage
♦ The child must complete the drawing alone , without any assistance. In case of doubt about the child's completion of the drawing without assistance, the Lacornador® company reserves the right to disqualify the drawing.
♦ The Drawing must not undermine the spirit of the Competition . Any drawing that is defamatory, insulting, obscene, harmful or contrary to good morals will be eliminated and subject to prosecution in accordance with current legislation.
♦ The Drawing must be free of any rights , that is to say, it must not infringe on the intellectual property rights and image rights of a third party. No trademark or distinctive sign protected by the intellectual property and competition rights of a third party must appear on the Drawing. Any Drawing that does not comply with these rules will not be taken into account in this Competition.
The child's legal representative(s) guarantee the peaceful enjoyment of the drawing and declare that the drawing does not infringe in whole or in part any rights that third parties may claim. In the event of a claim by a third party concerning the Drawing, the Lacornador® company reserves the right to disqualify the Drawing without the prior agreement or information of the Participant. In the event of legal proceedings brought against the Lacornador® company and brand for infringement of intellectual property rights, the image rights of a third party or other rights that this third party may claim, the Lacornador® company may in turn hold the child's legal representative(s) liable.
Once the Drawing has been completed, it must be sent before midnight on Sunday, November 8, 2020. Simply participating in this Competition implies pure and simple and unreserved acceptance of these rules . The Drawing will be valid, and will potentially be selected, only if all these terms and conditions are respected. Once sent, it will no longer be possible to make changes to the Drawing. The original Drawings will also not be returned to participants.
The company Lacornador® is responsible for choosing the winning design according to the conditions of participation mentioned in article 3 as well as objective criteria such as creativity, originality (shape, color, details), commercial potential and technical feasibility. The design of each of the two winners will be printed on textile items, clothing and accessories sold on the website www.lacornador.com and/or in physical stores and/or in any retail establishment.

The 2 winners designated by the system will each win a t-shirt and a water bottle with their respective design printed visually.
Each winner will be informed by email and/or telephone no later than 6 days after the selection is made . The winner's legal representative(s) must submit to any verification concerning their identity and address. Any false information will automatically result in the elimination of the participation. The organizer of the competition will not be required to award the prize if the winner has not complied with these rules. The usurpation of the identity or status of a third party is likely to be the subject of criminal prosecution. As part of this Competition, the company Lacornador® may request any administrative document justifying the right to represent the child.

The supports of the works as well as any part of the registration file sent to the organizer will not be returned to the candidates and will be destroyed.

The organizers reserve the right to modify or cancel this competition at any time. They cannot be held liable for this.
The legal representative(s) of the candidates agree that the candidate may be photographed and/or filmed and authorize the use of his/her image in all promotional and communication events related to the competition. They also undertake to participate, at the request of the organizer, in any promotion of the competition. They may not claim any remuneration or compensation for this.
The legal representative(s) of the candidates authorize the reproduction, representation, distribution and communication to the public, on all media of the organizers known to date and to come (magazines, websites and communication and event operations, etc.) of the work presented as part of the “Dessine-moi un taureau” competition, as well as their image. The authorization described above is granted to the organizers for a period of five years from the date of sending the application. It excludes any commercial exploitation, as well as any notion of exclusivity. The organizers guarantee that the image (on photos, video tapes and other media) of the candidate will not be used for any commercial purpose.

To validate the Candidate's participation in the Competition, his/her legal representative(s) grant the organizers, free of charge, the exclusive rights of reproduction, representation, adaptation, distribution and secondary or derivative use of the Drawing, in whole or in part.
- The right of representation (article L. 122-2 of the Intellectual Property Code) is understood as the direct, indirect, partial or complete communication of the Drawing to the public by any means and in particular public recitation, by lyrical performance, public representation, public projection or by radio-television broadcasting (being understood as radio-television broadcasting by communication of sounds, images, documents, files and messages of any nature) within the framework of any advertising campaign or other communication to the public by the organizers.
- The right of reproduction (article L. 122-3 of the Intellectual Property Code) in part or in whole is understood as the material fixation of the Design on any type of support and by any means which allow the Design to be communicated in part or in whole to the public by printing (such as, but not limited to: catalogues, brochures, flyers, press releases, magazines, posters, billboards, visual supports, labels, signage), drawing, engraving, casting, and any graphic and plastic arts process, mechanical, cinematographic or magnetic recording.
- The right of adaptation and modification is understood as the right to modify the Design in whole or in part, in part or in its entirety, and in particular, without this list being exhaustive, to enlarge or reduce it, the right to add or delete in whole or in part, the right to isolate elements and reproduce them, the right to translate into any other language the text messages and mentions appearing on the Design, the right to transform, model, prototype (such as going from 2D to 3D) and industrialize the prototype.
This authorization is granted free of charge for a period of five (5) years from the first commercial use of the Design, for the entire world, without limitation in number for paper or digital media and any existing or future media.
This transfer of rights is necessary for the purposes of creating original works that constitute textile articles, clothing and/or accessories and for marketing them, but also for promoting the products. The textile articles, clothing and accessories thus created are the exclusive property of the company Lacornador®. No compensation may be allocated to the legal representative(s) of the author of the design. This authorization for the transfer of intellectual property rights is necessary for the validity of participation in the Competition.
By the sole fact of their participation, the candidates guarantee the company Lacornador® and its representative against any possible recourse by third parties regarding the originality of the works presented. Indeed, the company Lacornador® and its representative cannot be held responsible for any acts of infringement of copyright or any other intellectual property right for which the candidate would be responsible by reproducing in whole or in part, a work, a brand, a design or any other distinctive sign protected under intellectual property, pre-existing, within the framework of his participation in the competition.

Any dispute or claim relating to this competition must be made in writing and will not be taken into consideration beyond the period of one month from the closing date of the competition. No oral or telephone request concerning the interpretation or application of these rules will be answered. Any disputed interpretation of these rules, as well as all cases not provided for, will be decided by the representative of the Lacornador® company. No appeal will be allowed. The mere fact of submitting an application implies full and unreserved acceptance of these rules. The rules will be available in their entirety on the online sales site www.lacornador.com and will be sent, free of charge, to any person who makes a written request to the Lacornador® head office for the entire duration of the operation. The Lacornador® company will take all necessary measures to ensure compliance with these rules.
These rules are subject to French law. To be taken into account, any disputes relating to the Competition must be made by written request to the following address: Lacornador 220 Avenue Château Gaillard 13150 Tarascon-en-Provence and no later than ninety (90) days after the deadline for participation in the Competition as indicated in these rules. In the event of a persistent disagreement on the application or interpretation of these rules, and in the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute will be submitted to the appropriate court, to which exclusive jurisdiction is attributed.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, which came into force in France on 25 May 2018, Lacornador® is responsible for processing the personal data of the participants in the competition. This data is collected for the purposes of ensuring the smooth running of the competition but also to determine the winner. The data thus collected will be sent to the relevant departments of the Lacornador® company. Participants in the competition have the right to object to the processing of their data and have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. They also have the right to access, rectify, port, erase their personal data or limit the processing concerning them. These rights may be exercised at contact@lacornador.com. For information purposes, they may also define guidelines relating to the fate of their personal data after their death and they will have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

The Organizing Company may cancel all or part of the “Draw Me a Bull” Competition if it appears that fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever, particularly in terms of IT or in determining the selected candidates and the winner.
In this case, it reserves the right not to award a prize to the fraudster and/or to prosecute the perpetrators of fraud before the competent courts. However, it cannot incur any liability of any kind towards participants due to any fraud committed. All content submitted is subject to moderation. The organizing company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept, refuse or delete any content, including content already registered, without having to justify itself.
The organizer reserves the right for any reason whatsoever to cancel, postpone, interrupt or extend the game or to modify all or part of the terms of these rules, in compliance with them. If, as a result of an event beyond its control, it is forced to apply this right, its liability cannot be incurred.
The organizer reserves the right to permanently exclude from the Competition any person who, through fraudulent behavior, would harm the smooth running of the Competition. In addition, sponsoring fictitious people will result in the immediate elimination of the candidate. In addition, decompiling the competition, using a personal script or any other method aimed at circumventing the intended use of the competition in these rules will also be considered an attempt at fraud and will result in the immediate and without recourse elimination of the candidate.
Under no circumstances can the organizers be held responsible for any loss or accidental deterioration of the submitted productions. No compensation may be paid to candidates for these reasons.